Talk at the Tuorla-Tarto Meeting 2021 (October 9, 2021): Persistent homology of the cosmic web: Hierarchical topology in LCDM cosmologies
Talk at the 76th Dutch Astronomers Conference (NAC2021) (May 21, 2021): Persistent homology of the cosmic web: Hierarchical topology in LCDM cosmologies
Seminar talk at Duke Kunshan (April 21, 2021): Cosmic web topology – From DM density fields, halos and (at some point) observations, with recording
Seminar talk at Tartu Observatory (September 16, 2020): Cosmic web topology – From DM density fields, halos and (at some point) observations, with recording
PhD Seminar talk INRIA Sophia-Antipols (October 21, 2019): Topological analysis methods for Big Data: Persistent homology of the cosmic web